Tests de Hetalia

P-Pfffffffffffffff x'D
Hetalia- YOUR life! (from school to death) by NinjaGirl3194
Your country of origin
Your best friend isEstonia
You have a crush onSweden
You hateSweden
You get bullied byEstonia
You are scared ofSwitzerland
You go out with for 5 secondsPoland
You get a confession fromJapan
You get in a fist fight withFinland
You had a one night stand withRussia
Your first boyfriend isChina
Everybody graduates butEstonia
You marryN-Italy
Your first kid name isHaily
You get in a dispute withSwitzerland
You get out of the dispute with the help ofPrussia
You have an affair withJapan
You get caught byPrussia
The chances of them telling
Your husband finds out about the affair, he feelsAnnoyed
You two get divorced, you drown your sorrows withN-Italy
The percentage of you two doing a one night stand
You move in withEngland
You start having feelings forEstonia
You get a confession fromPrussia
The percentage of you excepting their feelings
You say no, they then go out withKorea
The percentage of you like them two together
You get ambushed byFinland
The chances of you getting out of their alive
You unxpecting get glomped byEngland
You are lonely, you get aDrink of wine
Drunk, you kissS-Italy
Percentage of how much they liked the kiss
You have a huge war againstHong Kong
Your chances of winning
You die byFrance raep
The only person not to go to your funeral isSealand
This person is the most devestated by your deathSweden
This person is teh most happiest taht you diedAustria
This person is teh master mind of your deathSwitzerland
Who you liked your life


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